
What will your Newborn Session be like?

What will your Newborn Session be like?

So what is a newborn family session with me REALLY like? Since my newborn sessions are only about 2 hours long, some families who prefer the documentary approach have some activities planned, such as bath time, going for a walk, making a meal or coffee together, even the usual diapering and feeds are super sweet! If I feel like a family needs a bit of direction, I don’t hesitate to give some suggestions of places to go within the home, or things to do, to keep things rolling…

The Sweetest Cloverdale Newborn Session | Vancouver Family Photographer + Filmmaker

The Sweetest Cloverdale Newborn Session | Vancouver Family Photographer + Filmmaker

This is the 3rd baby I have photographed for this family. My absolute FAV. I have also been able to film two of these sessions, which makes them even that more special….

An Adoption Story | Fraser Valley Photographer and Filmmaker

An Adoption Story | Fraser Valley Photographer and Filmmaker

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to adopt a baby? Rob and Sarah so graciously invited me to film their adoption journey, and it was absolutely incredible. Ethel just turned ONE. So I thought it was fitting to finally blog their story! YES they have a pet pig who lives in their house, and YES she is breastfeeding…

Quinnly's First Birthday

Quinnly's First Birthday

Danielle is a repeat client, I got to do Quinnly’s newborn photos last year. Their family really wanted some documentary type images to capture a special event in their family this year, because children literally grow like weeds. We decided on her youngest daughter’s first birthday! We were lucky enough to be able to do their session ON the exact day that Quinnly turned one…

Sweet Baby Blake | Vancouver Family Photographer and Filmmaker

Sweet Baby Blake | Vancouver Family Photographer and Filmmaker

Stacie and I met online (how else does one meet new friends these days?!). I’ve always loved her photos, she’s uber talented. I was so excited when she was pregnant with baby #3 and emailed me to ask about newborn photos and a short film. I always feel so honoured with I am hired by fellow photographers. We decided on a partial trade for some family photos…

A Saturday Morning | Vancouver Family Photographer and Filmmaker

A Saturday Morning | Vancouver Family Photographer and Filmmaker

I LOVE family films. They are magic. Video brings LIFE to these memories. I love looking back at my own family films. They make me cry every time. My kids grow like weeds. Hearing their little voices. The things that seem like they will stay forever, but you wake up one day and they don’t mispronounce words the same way or do that cute little…