
Cozy Indoor Family Sessions in Calgary

Cozy Indoor Family Sessions in Calgary

Nothing is cozier or more intimate than a session in your own home. This winter, snuggle up and get cozy with your family. Do you have a favourite Holiday activity or tradition you love to do with your little ones or your grandparents? Let’s document…

An Adoption Story | Fraser Valley Photographer and Filmmaker

An Adoption Story | Fraser Valley Photographer and Filmmaker

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to adopt a baby? Rob and Sarah so graciously invited me to film their adoption journey, and it was absolutely incredible. Ethel just turned ONE. So I thought it was fitting to finally blog their story! YES they have a pet pig who lives in their house, and YES she is breastfeeding…

Sweet Baby Blake | Vancouver Family Photographer and Filmmaker

Sweet Baby Blake | Vancouver Family Photographer and Filmmaker

Stacie and I met online (how else does one meet new friends these days?!). I’ve always loved her photos, she’s uber talented. I was so excited when she was pregnant with baby #3 and emailed me to ask about newborn photos and a short film. I always feel so honoured with I am hired by fellow photographers. We decided on a partial trade for some family photos…

A Saturday Morning | Vancouver Family Photographer and Filmmaker

A Saturday Morning | Vancouver Family Photographer and Filmmaker

I LOVE family films. They are magic. Video brings LIFE to these memories. I love looking back at my own family films. They make me cry every time. My kids grow like weeds. Hearing their little voices. The things that seem like they will stay forever, but you wake up one day and they don’t mispronounce words the same way or do that cute little…

The Teasdales | Documentary Family Photography and Films

The Teasdales | Documentary Family Photography and Films

I was so excited to be able to do this documentary session in Fort Langley BC with the Teasdale family. This family is absolutely my favourite. Katy booked a documentary family session with me during my Black Friday promo, so she got a free mini film with her family session! I absolutely adore doing films. It…

The Baron Family - Half Day in the Life | Abbotsford BC

The Baron Family - Half Day in the Life | Abbotsford BC

Angela and I met when we both got invited down to Creative Live to see Kirsten Lewis teach her class called Family Photography: Creating a successful business a few months ago. It was a really great experience and I’m so so happy I decided to leave my babies and attend! I made some amazing connections and community and learned so so much...

100 Days of Summer | Documentary Photographer Fraser Valley

100 Days of Summer | Documentary Photographer Fraser Valley

This summer I embarked on a 100 Days of Summer project, and I am SO glad I did. Every day isn't my best work, but they are MY family, and MY memories, and I love them. I also tried something new this summer, which was 1 second every day of...

The Fenton Family | Documentary Film Session

The Fenton Family | Documentary Film Session

Being given the opportunity to go in to a home and dig deep into the family's heart and capture the pure essence that is them; is breath-taking. It's like being frozen in time; embracing all that they are and the family they've become. A small glimpse...