
These are the Days // 365 Daily Photo Project - December 2018

These are the Days // 365 Daily Photo Project - December 2018

So basically our entire month of December revolved around our road trip down to Disneyland with some extended family. I apologize in advance the the amount of photos in this one…I’m sure it breaks some sort of blogging etiquette rules. Let’s just say it makes up for the months…

These are the Days // 365 Daily Photo Project - November 2018

These are the Days // 365 Daily Photo Project - November 2018

I’m not perfect. I definitely have not been taking a photo every single day this month 😬 . I didn’t even have enough ‘make up’ days to fill in the gaps. It’s been super gloomy, rainy and cold and we just have not been getting out a lot other than errands and regular activities. We got out a bit at the beginning of the month, and took a fun little adventure out to White Rock. We also decorated for Christmas on Remembrance Day long weekend. We will away for part of December so wanted to enjoy the cozy…

These are the Days // 365 Daily Photo Project - September 2018

These are the Days // 365 Daily Photo Project - September 2018

Ahhh September. Usually we get some summer spill-over in September, but Summer seemed to end in August this year. Doesn’t September always feel like the start of a new year? My daughter started Grade 2 and my middle started Kindergarten. They are LOVING being in school, which is amazing. My youngest also started preschool (first kid to ever go to preschool!) and he…

These are the Days // 365 Daily Photo Project - July + August 2018

These are the Days // 365 Daily Photo Project - July + August 2018

This summer has been crazy busy for me, business-wise, but when I haven't been working, it's been so nice to be able to go do things as a family without worrying about school schedules. I was so happy to get a few weeks off-call this summer since I had decided to take births on! In July I had 3 births in 5 days, plus the aftermath of newborn sessions and fresh…

These are the Days // 365 Daily Photo Project - June 2018

 These are the Days // 365 Daily Photo Project - June 2018

June flew, as all the months seem to do! This month was the last month of school, so my daughter is done Grade 1, and my middle one also turned 5 this month. They're getting so big! My mom (who lives next door) was away for the whole month, and my Mother in Law came for a visit with my 9 year old nephew from Alberta. I was on-call for a few births and appreciated the extra…

These are the Days // 365 Daily Photo Project - May 2018

These are the Days // 365 Daily Photo Project - May 2018

May was such a beautiful month in Vancouver! Shockingly dry, which is rare for us (we are usually drenched in rain whenever it's not summer). We got to enjoy the spray park a few times and spent a lot of time outdoors, which was really amazing for the kids' energy levels and…

When Photographers do Playdates...

When Photographers do Playdates...

Angela from "Type A Photography" and I met when we went down to Seattle to see Kirsten Lewis teach on Creative Live. Since then, we have done documentary sessions for each others' families and are also taking another one of Kristen's classes together currently. She sent me a message during spring break and asked if we wanted to go out and do a photo playdate together with the kids. Umm definitely!! We thought about the...

These are the Days // 365 Daily Photo Project - February 2018

These are the Days // 365 Daily Photo Project - February 2018

How can it be the end of February already?! (Well it's a short month, to be fair). This month was rain, rain and more rain, and some snow, and a little freezing cold Vegas thrown in there. In our 365 group, we take turns coming up with weekly themes to help add a bit of variety and keep ourselves interested in the project (some days you just don't feel like picking up a camera at. all.) Some of the themes in February were: all about us (self portraits or photos of things we love), creative lens distortion, using one light in your home to shoot with for the week, picking a colour to theme the week. I may or may not...

These are the Days // 365 Daily Photo Project - January 2018

These are the Days // 365 Daily Photo Project - January 2018

I am SO excited to be starting this new daily photo project this year. Last year I missed it so much, I missed capturing all our memories (even the boring ones). My kids love looking through our album. My daughter likes to bring our daily project albums to school for show and tell. It's the...