
These are the Days // 365 Daily Photo Project - November 2018

These are the Days // 365 Daily Photo Project - November 2018

I’m not perfect. I definitely have not been taking a photo every single day this month 😬 . I didn’t even have enough ‘make up’ days to fill in the gaps. It’s been super gloomy, rainy and cold and we just have not been getting out a lot other than errands and regular activities. We got out a bit at the beginning of the month, and took a fun little adventure out to White Rock. We also decorated for Christmas on Remembrance Day long weekend. We will away for part of December so wanted to enjoy the cozy…

These are the Days // 365 Daily Photo Project - May 2018

These are the Days // 365 Daily Photo Project - May 2018

May was such a beautiful month in Vancouver! Shockingly dry, which is rare for us (we are usually drenched in rain whenever it's not summer). We got to enjoy the spray park a few times and spent a lot of time outdoors, which was really amazing for the kids' energy levels and…

Welcome Baby Lola | Vancouver Documentary Photographer

Welcome Baby Lola | Vancouver Documentary Photographer

Isn't this family amazing? I have documented them a few times now and LOVE how they basically just ignore me during their session, seriously what I look for in documentary clients, haha! Here are some of my favourite images from our morning together...