It was such a joy to photograph this family! I love how they fell right into the documentary style and just went about their lives as if I weren't there. It was so beautiful to see. No expectations, just real life. They were all so full of joy and love. These are the sessions that I live for. These are the…
The Teasdales | Documentary Family Photography and Films
I was so excited to be able to do this documentary session in Fort Langley BC with the Teasdale family. This family is absolutely my favourite. Katy booked a documentary family session with me during my Black Friday promo, so she got a free mini film with her family session! I absolutely adore doing films. It…
These are the Days // 365 Daily Photo Project - March 2018
An Early Christmas Morning with my Family | Documentary Family Photographer
This year I offered to cover Christmas Eve and Christmas Day for a couple local birth photographers, so we did our family Christmas a few days early on the 23rd! When your kids are little and can't tell time or dates is a good time to do this 😉 I REALLY didn't want to miss out on our Christmas stuff if I got called to a birth, so this was a really great alternative for us. This was also the first year I bought...
The Baron Family - Half Day in the Life | Abbotsford BC
Angela and I met when we both got invited down to Creative Live to see Kirsten Lewis teach her class called Family Photography: Creating a successful business a few months ago. It was a really great experience and I’m so so happy I decided to leave my babies and attend! I made some amazing connections and community and learned so so much...