
Adelaide's Sweet Family | Documentary Newborn Photographer, Vancouver BC

Adelaide's Sweet Family | Documentary Newborn Photographer, Vancouver BC

It was such a joy to photograph this family! I love how they fell right into the documentary style and just went about their lives as if I weren't there. It was so beautiful to see. No expectations, just real life. They were all so full of joy and love. These are the sessions that I live for. These are the…

The Teasdales | Documentary Family Photography and Films

The Teasdales | Documentary Family Photography and Films

I was so excited to be able to do this documentary session in Fort Langley BC with the Teasdale family. This family is absolutely my favourite. Katy booked a documentary family session with me during my Black Friday promo, so she got a free mini film with her family session! I absolutely adore doing films. It…

These are the Days // 365 Daily Photo Project - March 2018

These are the Days // 365 Daily Photo Project - March 2018

March. SPRING! Well it hasn't felt too much like spring, but some days have been spring...ish. This month we had spring break and my nephew was in town visiting for 3 weeks. The kids LOVE their cousin, so they enjoyed...

An Early Christmas Morning with my Family | Documentary Family Photographer

An Early Christmas Morning with my Family | Documentary Family Photographer

This year I offered to cover Christmas Eve and Christmas Day for a couple local birth photographers, so we did our family Christmas a few days early on the 23rd! When your kids are little and can't tell time or dates is a good time to do this 😉 I REALLY didn't want to miss out on our Christmas stuff if I got called to a birth, so this was a really great alternative for us. This was also the first year I bought...

The Baron Family - Half Day in the Life | Abbotsford BC

The Baron Family - Half Day in the Life | Abbotsford BC

Angela and I met when we both got invited down to Creative Live to see Kirsten Lewis teach her class called Family Photography: Creating a successful business a few months ago. It was a really great experience and I’m so so happy I decided to leave my babies and attend! I made some amazing connections and community and learned so so much...