Day in the Life FEBRUARY | These are the Days 2017

Sunday, February 26, 2017

I feel like time just flies by lately, but the few days less you get in February really makes a difference! 

Jonathan works late almost every weeknight, and comes home after the kids are in bed. Which makes for LONG days for me! So six days a week, Jonathan gets up with the kids, they do a workout together and have breakfast and get dressed for the day. I get to sleep in until 7am and then get ready for my day (because the 1 year old still wakes a million times a night to nurse!), so I usually don't start my responsibilities until 8am (not that I have any privacy getting ready, haha, but still). When I make school lunch and have my breakfast. Sundays are my day to "wake up with the kids". The problem is, my kids wake up at like 5:30am, sooooo this often consists of me giving them the iPad to watch a few shows while I sleep a little longer and wake up at a reasonable hour (or when the 1 year old wakes up, because he can't be trusted unsupervised). 

This Sunday morning we had time for a dance party, some wrestling and playing of course. My oldest even made our bed for us! (This is why you have kids right?)

We then headed to church (I was volunteering in the church nursery this week), then grabbed a few groceries on our way home. Bo helped me make some smoothies for lunch, with his new designer outfit from the "N and O store", haha. 

Papa came over and brought more lunch, as well as some gifts for the little ones from his most recent trip. Then it was movie time! We watched some Toy Story 2 while dad worked outside and the littlest had his nap, then joined him outside to help.

After we came inside, we made and had dinner and brownies with Nana! India made a video on my phone...if you'd like to see that video (I even make an appearance! haha), I will post it at the bottom of this page for fun. 

Then it was jammies time, another dance party, a little more wrestling, and time for sleep!

I hope you had a lovely February :) 

When you are done here, head over to see Laura's February DITL! Spoiler alert, they also had eggs for breakfast. 

And finally, as promised:

Alyssa Kellert is newborn, birth, documentary family photographer + film maker as well as a birth doula, and is located in Greater Vancouver, BC Canada. Head over to her Facebook page to see more of her most recent work at, or follow her on Instagram @alyssakellertphoto. You are welcome to email at or use the contact page on this site for more information!