Sometimes, we have to use a backup photographer. Sometimes we have a prior commitment we can’t get out of when we are on call for a birth, or can’t get to the birth soon enough and have to send a backup. Our clients know this is part of the deal, and having a backup doula/photographer helps us birth workers not burn out. We don’t have to use them often! But when we do, it usually works out beautifully. It’s so amazing have a team of birth workers that we can call on when needed.
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I backed up my friend Candice from Stages Doula + Photography for Mackenzie’s birth. Mackenzie went in to labour earlier than anyone was expecting as a first time mom, and Candice had an important session that day that couldn’t be rescheduled. Of course the birth ended up happening DURING the session (Murphy’s Law, right!?). Mackenzie had hired Candice as a doula and photographer, so it was so important that someone made it.
As with many first time birthers, we headed to the hospital in the wee hours of the morning and poor Mackenzie was send home. She had been contracting regularly for a long time, but was not yet active.

I got another text that afternoon around 12:45pm, and it was go-time! I headed to the hospital and got there around 1:30. She was active! BUT the hospital was on diversion. Her amazing midwife was calling frantically to other midwives/hospitals to find her another place to birth. After she found someone in Abbotsford, she checked Mackenzie again, and made the call to break the rules and admit her anyway, as she was progressing too fast, and she was worried that a 30 minute car right may not be the best idea
Mackenzie laboured beautifully, and had a fantastic support team. Her midwife, boyfriend, bestie and family friend were so amazing during her birthing process! There was just so much love and support in that room.
Baby girl Ava was born at 4:23pm on August 5th! 6lb 2oz of sweet baby goodness.

Family arrived soon after to welcome little Ava to the family. It’s always so beautiful to watch and document this part. Welcome to the world Ava, you are so so loved!
Alyssa Kellert is newborn, birth, documentary family photographer + film maker as well as a birth doula, and is located in Greater Vancouver, BC Canada. Head over to her Facebook page to see more of her most recent work at, or follow her on Instagram @alyssakellertphoto. You are welcome to email at or use the contact page on this site for more information!