
Gestational Diabetes and a Beautiful Home Birth

Gestational Diabetes and a Beautiful Home Birth

“This pregnancy was so different than my first. The morning sickness lasted forever, and just as it started to go away I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Which honestly felt so unfair to me at the time because I live a pretty balanced lifestyle knowing that diabetes runs in my family. I thought I had done everything “right” to avoid it…”

A New Years Baby | Vancouver and Fraser Valley Birth Photographer

A New Years Baby | Vancouver and Fraser Valley Birth Photographer

Attending the birth of a friend is such a special honour! When my friends value me, and let me know I am well worth the money, it gives me allll the feels. This was the first birth that I have gotten called to over Facebook Messenger, ha! And it was my first birth of 2017! Connor’s mom and I were chatting about her contractions, and then all of a sudden her husband messages me to tell me to meet them at the hospital…you know it’s the real deal when mom can’t type anymore!