Alyssa Kellert

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When Photographers do Playdates...

Angela from Type A Photography and I met when we went down to Seattle to see Kirsten Lewis teach on Creative Live. Since then, we have done documentary sessions for each others' families (go HERE to see her session) and are also taking another one of Kristen's classes together currently. She sent me a message during spring break and asked if we wanted to go out and do a photo playdate together with the kids. Umm definitely!! We thought about the Aquarium, Science World, the Zoo, going to a forest to explore...everything public would be SUPER busy with the kids during spring break, which would have been difficult with the children to adult ratio we were dealing with, so we were thinking forest, but we needed actually DO something with the kids to make it more fun. I remembered seeing another friend's Facebook photos and they'd done a camp fire recently, so I put a call out for location ideas on Facebook and we found a great secluded spot (well, minus the garbage, broken beer bottles and nails 😂, but we just went further down the beach where it was clean). 

So the [very ambitious] 2 of us, with 8 small kids (she has 4 kids, and I had my 3 plus my nephew with me), met up and built a fire! I brought the stuff for roasting hot dogs and s'mores and she brought the fire necessities.

So it actually went really well! The kids were busy and entertained, played really really well and nobody fell in the fire (though my middle on, the one holding the stick in the image above, did fall in the river, haha. You'll have to see Angela's photos for that one).